Wiki Different Tax ID's, Same Provider, Same Facility Name and Address


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Hi there,

I have a question regarding claims being billed under a different tax ID for the same provider who is seeing patients at the same location (same office name and address).

An example I have is Dr. Smith has been billing under tax ID 123456789 at Lakeside Center 12345 Apple Drive.
As of 02/01/2013, Dr. Smith is going to be billing under tax ID 98765432 still at Lakeside Center 12345 Apple Drive.

Since there will still be outstanding A/R under tax ID 123456789 leading to claim resubmissions, will those resubmitted claims deny since Dr. Smith is now billing under 98765432?

I would not think there would be any issues if the resubmitted claims have a date of service prior to 02/01/2013 but, wanted to get other peoples opinions based on experience.


I recently was in this same situation, and as long as the insurance company had a contract with the tax-id I was filing under, I had no problems. For several months I had to create claims under both tax-ids, depending on the date of service. Good luck!