Wiki Doctor with Resident


Lancaster, TX
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My doctor's told me that they were told that when they have a resident with them that on a discharge they can not use 99239 even if they spent more then 30 minutes. Is this true?

I would think that if the doctor spent more than 30 minutes on the discharge, even though he has a resident he should be able to code 239 and not 238.

Thanks for your help.
I have never heard of that either. But if it is true i would like to see it in writing before i present it to my doctors.
I never heard of that either and I work in a residency program also. If he is spending 30 mins or more on a discharge he has to document the time.
Doctor's time or Resident's time

Is it possible that the doctor is thinking that if all s/he does is sign off on the resident's note the time over 30 minutes doesn't count?

I work for a Pediatric Surgery service, but we are part of an academic program, and always have residents. We certainly use 99239 when the faculty MD documents time over 30 minutes.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC