Wiki DOS for Interrogation device evaluation


Lebanon, PA
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I was wondering if someone could help me. A patient has an loop recorder placed at the beginning of the year. Our provider did an interrogation of the device CPT 93298. The Motoring of the device was from 06/01/18 to 06/30/18. The provider read and dictated the report on 07/02/2018. What DOS do you use when reporting CPT 93298. Do you use the DOS that the monitoring started on 06/01/2018 or the DOS the provider read it, 07/02/2018. IF you do know what DOS to use, can you please provide the guidelines that are to be used. Thank you in advance.
Since that code describes the professional component, I would use the date that the doc did the interp. Something to keep in mind is that the date used will affect the allowable for the next date. For instance, if doc interpreted the report on 1/15/18, you would not be able to bill the next interp until 2/14/18.

The Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Database indicates a 2 in the PC/TC field which means:
Professional component only codes: This indicator identifies stand alone codes that describe the physician work portion of selected diagnostic tests for which there is an associated code that describes the technical component of the diagnostic test only and another associated code that describes the global test.