Wiki Double Uterus


Local Chapter Officer
Dallas, OR
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I am giving a presentation for the new dx codes for 2021, does anyone have any golden nuggets I can share regarding double uterus? Thank you
I worked at medical place read the med record a doc did additional x ray of pelvis because this woman had a double vagina dx Q52.10 Didelphyis. Just like double uterus can exist too Q51.11. The patient had no idea and lost her fetus. Doc found out this was the problem and put in med record notes the rationale for did 2 xrays same date to ensure & reasoned it made her loss fetus. Anyway the point is the physician can do 2 x-rays and COMPARE them to ensure diagnosis is correct. But the doc must add this in the documentation rationale in order to get insurance to pay it.
Umm I read this rarity happening with females but a possibility. I guess if the wild kingdom creatures can have multiple birthing pouches (possums & kangaroos)then humans can too. Science and medical care is fascinating, right?
I hope this helps you!
Lady T :cool: