Wiki Dupuytren's contracture release


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Can anyone please let me know if you can bill out for medicine, syringes, and surgical trays for the 26040 procedure done in the office setting.
Are you trying to bill for Xiaflex?? If so you bill out the injection only 20550 and the medicine J0775 x 90 units. The next day you bill out an office visit (we bill a level III because it includes a manipulation of the contracture) and we also bill a splint because we dispense DME. After January 1 there will be a code that includes everything, 20527 + the J0775 x 90 if you are supplying the drug, and 26341 for the manipulation on the day following the injection. We don't bill trays or syringes.
Yes, but the doctor usaully does these in our ASC and we can charge for the facility part. Can he charge anything for the facility if it is done in the office?