Wiki Dx for pain


Best answers
When a pt comes in with a complaint of pain in the knee after they had a TKR do you always use 996.77 or 719.46. The reason of the pain could be from standing too long, bending too much or just has pain. Thanks
When a pt comes in with a complaint of pain in the knee after they had a TKR do you always use 996.77 or 719.46. The reason of the pain could be from standing too long, bending too much or just has pain. Thanks

Without any documenation that connects the presence of the prosthesis with the pain, I would use 719.46. Just the presence of the prosthesis does not necesarily equal "pain."
Not that I need to post this as MnTwins answered and is a great source, but I agree. I would also use 719.46. Just thought it would be nice for you to have two confirming responses.