Wiki DX order on claim

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I need clarification on the order the DXs go on the claim. Does the major DX of Cerebral Palsy (343.9) always go first, then the Slow Transit Constipation DX (564.01) for diapers is second on an incontinence claim? Thank you.
Always Reason for visit is primary Diagnosis weather there is no definitive condition present,

If condition present than condition should be primary diagnosis

No other Dx order will be there.

Hope it will help
Some codes are not allowed first listed even if it is the reason for the encounter. The coding guidelines will let you know which code can be first listed. Unless a chapter specific guideline states different, when the patient has a documented condition as being the reason for a current problem, the underlying condition is listed first. Please read thru the guidelines as they will be most helpful.
I agree with Debra - always ask yourself "why is the patient being seen?". That answer, generally, will guide you in selecting the primary diagnosis to be listed on your claim. The disclaimer being, of course, unless guidelines state otherwise.