Wiki E Clinical and EKG reports


True Blue
Mims, Florida
Best answers
I am new to eCW at my new job and have had to "teach" myself how to use it since there was no education provided. I am auditing our cardiology group and have advised them that they cannot bill for their EKG's with 93000 because they do not have a separate interpretation report - and one docotr is insisting that what they document is sufficient and that there is a report that can be printed and I just need to find out where it is in the system.

Can someone tell me how I would find this report and print it - if it does exist? This doctor also states that a separate report is not necessary to bill for the global (which is not what I have read in past articles) and that it is never done that way here at this facility and the other facility they are affiliated with. I don't understand this, as where I previously worked there was always a separate, dictated report by a cardiologist aside from the one generated by the machine for all EKG's done in the hospital!

Any help and guidance on this would be appreciated!


You should be able to access the report by clicking on the "Devices" button via the Patients HUB.
There should be a green arrow on that button that when you click on it gives you a drop down for the Midmark Reports-ECG
If you open that, you should see something about reports.
I think you may have to have security to view an associated report though.


Kim White
EHR Billing Specialist
Account Management & Training
Thanks Kim for showing me that. I did establish in the case of my physicians they were not dictating any reports anyway, but I see where it would be if I could have gotten them to dictate a report! We discontinued billing the global code and have only been billing 93005 since they could not understand that they needed to have a written report to bill 93000.