Wiki E/M Changes in 2021


Ocala, FL
Best answers
It appears that the E/M guidelines for outpatient consult codes (99242-99245) are remaining the same. Do others agree, or does anyone know something else about this?
With the new 2021 guidelines, say a patient went to a pulmonologist to get clearance for a c-pap machine, and no hpi, etc. how would you go about coding it out( with 2021 guidelines)?
With the new 2021 E/M guidelines, the code level will be selected based on : MDM/Medical Decision Making or Time . MDM - is based on the number of complexity of problems addressed during the encounter, the amount of data to be reviewed and analyzed , and lastly the risk of complications and or morbidity/mortality of patient management. Providers are to choose between using MDM or time based level of service . Also, be mindful , just because the History and or exam is no longer used for level selection......, a medically appropriate history or physical exam should be in the documentation and the extent of it is up to the providers.

Hope this helps.