Wiki E/m coding for pap

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Hi all, I have a question that I know has been answered on here before. Can a PCP that does a pap collection bill the 88142 for the collection? I don't feel it is correct since the Pap collection is included in the female wellness visit, but due to pressure from various sources I would like some educated opinions on this.
Hi all, I have a question that I know has been answered on here before. Can a PCP that does a pap collection bill the 88142 for the collection? I don't feel it is correct since the Pap collection is included in the female wellness visit, but due to pressure from various sources I would like some educated opinions on this.

Is your doctor actually performing the PAP test review? 88142 is for the acutal PAP test (the lab will bill this), not the collection. If you are billing for the collection, 99000 is the code for collection or if the patient is Medicare you would use Q0091.
You are correct the collection is included in the code for the exam. You can only bill 88142 if the actual testing is being done in the office. You also can only bill the 99000 if there is a separate fee for the office for the transportation of the specimen from the office to the lab.