Wiki E/M Question


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One of our doctors was requested to do a hospital consult. He spent almost 2 hours on the consult & eventually had the patient transferred to another hospital. That SAME NIGHT, he was requested to do the consult on the same patient at the 2nd hospital. My question is, how would we bill this???:confused: Only 1 consult? Which hospital??? He spent just about the same time at each hospital. Is there other ways to bill this situation???

Since the limitation on inpatient consults is one per physician, per patient, per hospitalization--I'd argue that you have two separate consults (one at each hospital). Why not, if the 3 R's are met? Technically, it's one per hospitalization.

Also, for that one 2-hour consult, I'd look at prolonged services 99356/99357 if the time is documented.