Wiki Early Medicare Bone Density...............................


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Please help. I can't figure out how to get a Dexa (77080) paid for by Medicare if it is early (before 2 years). I billed it with 733.00 and V58.68 (denied), then I resubmitted it with the V58.68 then 733.00 but that was denied as well. I have researched this extensively and all I can find is that Medicare will pay for it early etc. I don't know what I am doing wrong. Please help!?
if this is for screening purposes then you cannot use the 733.0 code as the patient cannot have the condition you are screening for you would use the V code for screening. If that is non covered by Medicare then that needs to be explained in advance to the patient and have the ABN signed. If the patient has osteo and this is a follow up study you use the V58.83 first listed and V58.68 code secondary, this is per coding clinics, as you are not testing for the presence of the condition in this case you are testing to see if the current treatment is successful and not adversely affecting the bones, it is drug monitoring.
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