Wiki EEG Place of Service Question

Blacksburg, VA
Best answers
I am looking for clarification on the Place of Service I should use when billing 95816 mod 26. Our physician sends patients to the hospital to have EEG's performed. Some are inpatients and some are outpatients. He reads the EEG in his office through a link to the hospital. What place of service should I bill under?
EEG Posting

We do the same in our office. The studies are done either inpatient or out patient. Place of service would be 21 for Hospital (inpatient ) and 22 for outpatient hospital.
POS is where the patient has the service performed....not where the interpreting provider performs his services after the procedure.
POS for ambulatory EEG

So as an addendum to this thread - if you have a patient having the equipment placed in the office and then going home while the 24 hour monitoring is in place. Equipment is returned and provider from same office does interpretation.
Would you bill Home as the POS since that is where the test is actually performed?

I appreciate thougths on this.
Lee Ann