Wiki elevated INR

I do not know what this code is meant for (may be in 2010 CPT). But i feel that 79xxx series belong to the Radioactive isotopes category .
But I do know for sure that INR is a lab test done in patients on ANTICOAGULANTS,(atrial fibrillation, previous history of an "infarct" or DVT/pulmonary embolism), for detecting the extended Prothrombin Time in patients who are on Coumidin, Heparin derivative therapy- as an INDEX to decide about the therapeutic continuation/ or to reduce the dose/ or to temporarily discontinue the drug- meaning to know the adverse effect (not as a poison drug)- in otherwords, it is an AQUIRED COAGULATION DEFECT while on treatment with Anticoagulants.
So, "INR elevation" specifically states that extended coagulation time is the desired endpoint for coumadin.

It is a Lab test and the E/M code would suffice if it the only service provided.

For ICD 9 CM Code: Assign a code for abnormal blood lab value for those instances where the PT and INR are elevated and the patient is admitted for reversal of the extended PT and INR. A contributing factor to the patient's adverse reaction to coumadin is the extended half-life of the circulating coumadin in the blood stream due to decreased effectiveness of the liver to metabolize the drug.
Am I clear and make some sense or no?
Thank you, Alices
Yes, that is perfect diagnosis codes for elevated INR I said elevated INR indicates abnormal Prothrombin Time indirectly. The patient is already on anticoagulants.(Vcode)
But Alice's question was about the CPT code. I am curious to know the correct CPT code too.
Thank you.
Yes, that is perfect diagnosis codes for elevated INR I said elevated INR indicates abnormal Prothrombin Time indirectly. The patient is already on anticoagulants.(Vcode)
But Alice's question was about the CPT code. I am curious to know the correct CPT code too.
Thank you.

Actually Alice asked about the dx code 790.92... she just didn't put the decimal in... 79092. Hope this helps :)

I am truly sorry for the confusion, I did mean the dx i should have put it in and didn't, but thank you everyone for the responses and again really sorry..alice
Dx for elevated INR V58.61 long term anticoagulant

Long term use of anticoagluant is V58.61