Wiki EM MDM - unique tests


Ofallon, IL
Best answers
If a chiropractor does a Kemp's test (also interprets and documents), or x-rays including the read and report, can these qualify as data points for MDM?

In a discussion with my providers, most of them agreed that they sometimes do spinal exams that do not include the ordering and performing of x-rays or other orthopedic tests; therefore, said tests should could as data points. Another provider disagrees and states a kemps test is just part of the exam.
I cannot find a resource that has examples for allowed "tests" and since these are frequent tests for chiropractors that could ultimately determine the level of exam code, we don't want to code wrong.
Any test(s) ordered and billed by you, cannot count in the MDM Grid, because you are already getting paid for it and so only test that you are sending out can count in the MDM Grid as test ordered( unique test each count) .
As far as the spinal exams ..., questions in mind would be , is it billable by a Cpt code or is it a part of the visit or treatment, is it a diagnostic test or a metric or something?

Same applies in behavioral health, they have their mental health questionnaires and it's an important information that affects the treatment and so , I say it could be counted as a data point.
Thanks, you're absolutely correct. I double checked with our compliance company and they reiterated what you said. Needless to say, the doctors are disappointed lol