Wiki embedded tick diagnosis


Best answers
How should I code an embedded tick? I'm thinking both superficial foreign body and insect bite. Especially if the tick has to be removed by incision-wouldn't I need to the foreign body diagnosis to support the procedure?

Most tick bites don't require incision to remove. Whether the procedure is separately billable depends on the E/M facility guidelines you employ. If the tick requires incision to remove, use the CPT code for the site specified, if applicable, and a foreign body, subcutaneous or superficial injury tissue code for the site as well. Code also the external cause; other injury by animal-bite of nonvenomous arthropod. Don't forget to append -25 to the E/M code. If you are not having to code an incision to remove the tick, then it would be an E/M code and no procedure code.

How should I code an embedded tick? I'm thinking both superficial foreign body and insect bite. Especially if the tick has to be removed by incision-wouldn't I need to the foreign body diagnosis to support the procedure?
I have to agree with Kelly, included in the E&M-Can't put thru the W code (W57XX) as primary. Code insect bite to the specific body part followed by the W code. Works for our site every time