Wiki Endoscopic plantar fascial release


Rosamond, CA
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I am unfamiliar with coding Podiatry. I am coding for the surgery center, and any help with this report would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

A 1cm stab like incision was made at the medial aspect of the left plantar heel at the level of the medial plantar calcaneal tubercle. The incision was deepened with a hemostat and the appropriate tissue elevator from the arthrotec endoscopic plantar fascial instrument set was utilized to create a tunnel superficial to the plantar fascia going from medial to lateral across the plantar surface of the foot. The trocar and cannula was then put through the medial incision and a small stab like lateral incision was made for exit of the trocar with the cannula. The trocar was removed and with the cannula in place. The appropriate camera was placed throuth the medial portal using the 4mm cameral and the plantar fascia was visualized on the video screen. Using first the probe instrument and then the hook blade followed by the diamond blade, passes were made through the plantar fascia to seperate and cut through the plantar fascia. The underlying muscle belly was noted on the camera and a picture was taken to show the separation of the fibers of the plantar fascia. Good release was obtained. The wound was irrigated with sterile saline solution. The canula was removed. Using the tip of a hemostat, if was felt that the plantar fascia had been completely release with the lateral band kept intact.