Wiki Entry level Medical Billing Jobs


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Hello, I live in the northern region of New Jersey and about a month ago, I graduated a medical billing and coding school. Right before I graduated the school, I took the AAPC certified Possessional Coder exam and passed and am now looking for a job. I graduated at the top of my class with a 4.0. Now, for the past Month, I have been looking for a medical billing job around the Morris County area. I have mostly seen jobs offering $12-$13 an hour some with benefits, and some without. Before I even attended this program, I made $15 an hour working in a Gym without any college degrees. While attending this program, I was told that I could easily ask for $18 to $20 an hour as a starting salary especially because I'm certified, which I have now realized is not the case. I have also realized that being certified as a medical coder means nothing because to even do any coding I would need at least two years of experience. I paid $13,000 for the program and can't find a job that I can afford to take that would enable me to live and even pay my bills. Not only that, there are almost no jobs around where I live. Every job I have gone to is about an hour away. Is this situation normal for this area of the country, or is it just me? I would appreciate any advice someone could give me.
Not Just in North Jersey

Unfortunately this seems to be the case nationwide. But you are doing the right thing trying to get into the field on any level. I teach medical billing/coding and have been up front with the students about employment for recent CPC-As. There are a few reasons for this. The economy of course is a factor. Off shoring of many coding jobs is another factor. And the number of schools, courses etc out there churning out CPCs is another factor.
Having said all that, don't give up. Healthcare remains a good field in a bad economy. One thing I would reccomend is specializing. there are a number of CPC specialty exams available. Becoming a specialist I think will give you a better shot at employment and eventually better pay. But even with specialty cert you might have to go through low paying entry level work for a while.
A couple of other things. network as much as you can afford to. Linked in is free for a basic membership. And there are many sites on it including AAPC. Take any free seminars you can find. Usually the local medicare carrier will offer free seminars with CEUs. Go to chapter meetings.
I've been discussing the idea with AAPC of anm emplyment rountable in an upcoming Coding Edge. This would bring together industry leaders to talk about the employment situation, their advice to CPC-As etc.
Keep an eye out for it. And good luck to you.

Jim Strafford CEDC MCS-P
You are not alone

I feel your frustration, because I became Certified in June 2010 and have yet to obtain a position. However what I'm being told by other entry level coders, is doing the following helps.....1) Get with a couple coding/healthcare staffing companies, 2) Set up your app with HCA, and frequently check online and apply for any positons, and 3) Just get your foot in the door. Ive been told start out volunteering in a doctors office or hospital facility, is one way, get hired as a medical receptionist, or anything entry -level in the medical setting gets your foot in the door. Ive personally been applying as Mail room clerk, medical patient representaive, medical receptionist, and etc. Ive even applied for a data entry coding job, and didnt get it only b/c I was too bubbly, and they didnt think that I would be good in a solo sitting all day position. You cant give up, spent too much money and time to get here. Just know you are not alone, im in Tennessee and still searching, I do have a job interview dealing with inputing medical insurance, and customer care (heck its the healthcare industry) coming up so im hoping that goes well. Take no position less than 11.00hr, because you are Certified, and that counts.
Thanks for the advice so far! I have been attending some chapter meetings and so far they don't seem too big on networking and/or mentoring but I will keep going. I go on Linkedin as well. As far as getting my foot in the door...I did front desk (not medical) for about 1000 years and the reason I went to MBC school was to get away from that. I just wish someone told me all this before I signed up for school because honestly I may have made a different career choice. Not giving up yet but getting close.
Missy Mess

Don't ever give up keep networking as much as you can. That's the only way. I found out it's not really what you know but it's good to know what the hell your talking about. Most important is who you know. Network Network Network with the right people and don't give up keep coding stay on your game I hope this helps
It would seem that this is going on everywhere. At this point...if I can get in the door at where I want to be and work my way up to billing or coding...that is what I will do. My class was told that they have to work at least 1 year in order to take the coding were you able to take it faster?
I also understand where you are coming from. I graduated from my school in September of last year and I also am looking for a job. I interviewed with one company about a billing and coding job. I can't even manage to get that person on the phone to talk about that job. Every job listing that I have come across wants at least 2 years of experience. How do we get these jobs if nobody will hire? So I decieded to go back to school again and go into a different program. I am now taking Medical Assistant and Administrative classes. Maybe we should all get together and start our own business and make an awesome team. That seems to be the only way to go
I don't know why you were told you needed a year experience to take the exam. I just registered on the AAPC website and took the exam at one of their chapter locations. I don't understand how we are supposed to get experience if no one is willing to let us! As for interning...I already worked for free for 2 months...I can't afford to do that anymore and I also can't afford to go to school for something else. Opening our own biz sounds like the best idea so far.
Please don's sell yourself short or give up on the career. I've been in the field for over 12 years and I can honestly say I LOVE IT. The issue is that we're just flooded with entry level coder and some the programs are lacking. (I don't want to sound too critical, because they some good ones there too). Getting certified means a lot. It shows you are committed to maintaining high standards and want to move upward.

As far as landing a job...I'd recommend you apply for a a job insurance verification or basic insurance follow-up (collections) even if you have to volunteer at a physician's office. If you get 6 months OJT it will allow you to really connect the dots to the skill set you've obtained in coding. Your coding/billing training will help you soar in these roles and you'll get a feeling for how important that front-end work is needed to getting the claims paid timely. Reimbursement is driving by clean coding/timely claim submission and sound account setup/demo/authorizations, referrals. Neither is more important than the other.

It's easier to get these positions and it will allow you to connect with a seasoned coder/biller that can mentor you. Most coders are eager to share their knowledge but you have to make them feel comfortable that you're there to learn, be reliable, and retain the information they provide.

Don't give up if you really want a career change. Coding and Billing is definitely not boring! It is "food for thought." I learn something new (and interesting) EVERY DAY.....12 years later!
That's what I just point out earlier in my post I will just repost here out of frustration. Also for AAPC to REALLY make sure the only one required to take certification exams are the ones with experience since inexperienced certified coders seem to just waste their time, money and effort for a career change to NOTHING:

What's surprising is AAPC letting inexperienced coders like me take CPC exam, pay exam fee, pay membership, pay coding courses, pay CEUs, pay coding books needed for the exam. All out from our own unemployed pockets. Hoping for a better career. Like inexperienced coders like me who successfully passed the exam, FIRST try, passed coding course with flying colors. Only to be shut down by employers because we don't have experience which ironically we will never EVER have if we are not given a chance.

Is successfully passing the exam and and coding course NOT enough for employers? Yes!

So I hope AAPC change their requirements in taking CPC exams. Don't let inexperienced coders waste their time, money and effort. Only to be rejected again and again and again.

Since the coding field is OBVIOUSLY only for experienced non certified coders.

Maybe employers should also have the ABILITY AND WILLINGNESS to train inexperienced CERTIFIED coders. Who are MORE than willing and able.

I agree with one poster who was told you need at least 1 year experience before taking certification exam. I hope you follow that instruction because it is a FACT. You won't get hired if u have no experience. PERIOD.

And for the guy who is inexperienced and already paid for certification exam... welcome to unemployment.
I'm starting to wonder if it's really worth it. I just recently finished my program and have been looking for a job in medical billing. I haven't taking the CPC exam yet but i am looking for an entry level job just to get my foot in the door. I recenty applied for volunteer work at the local hospitol so hopefully that will help.
That's what I just point out earlier in my post I will just repost here out of frustration. Also for AAPC to REALLY make sure the only one required to take certification exams are the ones with experience since inexperienced certified coders seem to just waste their time, money and effort for a career change to NOTHING:

What's surprising is AAPC letting inexperienced coders like me take CPC exam, pay exam fee, pay membership, pay coding courses, pay CEUs, pay coding books needed for the exam. All out from our own unemployed pockets. Hoping for a better career. Like inexperienced coders like me who successfully passed the exam, FIRST try, passed coding course with flying colors. Only to be shut down by employers because we don't have experience which ironically we will never EVER have if we are not given a chance.

Is successfully passing the exam and and coding course NOT enough for employers? Yes!

So I hope AAPC change their requirements in taking CPC exams. Don't let inexperienced coders waste their time, money and effort. Only to be rejected again and again and again.

Since the coding field is OBVIOUSLY only for experienced non certified coders.

Maybe employers should also have the ABILITY AND WILLINGNESS to train inexperienced CERTIFIED coders. Who are MORE than willing and able.

I agree with one poster who was told you need at least 1 year experience before taking certification exam. I hope you follow that instruction because it is a FACT. You won't get hired if u have no experience. PERIOD.

And for the guy who is inexperienced and already paid for certification exam... welcome to unemployment.

ummmm... wow..... Did you ever stop think about the ECONOMY we are in could be just a bit of a factor in this? You stated that "the coding field OBVIOUSLY only for experienced non certified coders". Well, then I guess that all non certified coders would have a job then wouldn't they? Attitude means all. Positive thinking leads to positive reactions. One thing you all have to remember here... you are trying to compete right now with CERTIFIED EXPERIENCED CODERS. Who do you think is going to get the job? Seriously look at it from the employers point of view. Somebody with experience needs little training. I am NOT stating that you CANNOT get a job in this field. I AM saying stay POSITIVE and you will eventually land a job where you need to be. It is tough out there for everybody. I think once the economy gets better, the easier it will be for you, the inexperienced whether already certified or not, to gain employment. Even until then, network... look... ask... keep plugging at it. DON'T GIVE UP!!!!!! If you give up then you will never get anywhere!!!!!!! If you have a passion for this field, which I hope you all do, then dang it keep at it. Apply at every single job you can. Sell yourself. Think positive. If you have to start as a receptionist then do so... get your foot in the door. Even as a receptionist you will gain experience you need to know in the medical field. I personally started off as a medical assistant way back when. I was blessed with my first job because I did everything... front office, back office, transcription, billing, coding, scheduling... you name it and I did it. I worked my way up from there. I have been doing coding since 1996. Some jobs I did both billing and coding. For the last eight years, I work from home coding remotely because I cannot work in a medical environoment anymore (health reasons). I LOVE my job. If I can do this, then all of you can too!!!! DO NOT GIVE UP!!! I promise you that you will eventually get what you are searching for. Sometimes it just takes time. :) Good Luck to you ALL!!!!!!! YOU WILL GET THERE!!!!!!
I understand your frustrations BUT eadun2000 is right. Attitude is everything>
And sometimes inexperienced coders do get coding jobs. I know I did. I finished my class in December of 2007, sat for the CPC in March of 2008 and passed my first time. Then I looked for work until June of 2008. I interviewed several places, places that were offering $8-$9 an hour for certified coders. (Crazy but I needed a job and if I had been offered one of those I might have taken it)
I was applying to everything, even jobs that I wasn't qualified for because I knew that if I interviewed with the right person I would be able to let them see my passion for coding and my thirst for coding knowledge.
In June I interviewed with a small local surgeons office (3 surgeons general, vascular, and thoracic and 1 PA) and I got the job!! Because I was certified and some of the other candidates were not.
It is possible!! Just hang in there. I understand you have to eat and pay bills so maybe you have to take another job or two in the interim but NEVER give up. Keep studying and keep learning. Get out the phone book and call every physician's office in your area! Create a neat cover letter and mail your resume to all of those offices!! Impress everyone with your positive energy and can do attitude!! ;)
Hello, I live in the northern region of New Jersey and about a month ago, I graduated a medical billing and coding school. Right before I graduated the school, I took the AAPC certified Possessional Coder exam and passed and am now looking for a job. I graduated at the top of my class with a 4.0. Now, for the past Month, I have been looking for a medical billing job around the Morris County area. I have mostly seen jobs offering $12-$13 an hour some with benefits, and some without. Before I even attended this program, I made $15 an hour working in a Gym without any college degrees. While attending this program, I was told that I could easily ask for $18 to $20 an hour as a starting salary especially because I'm certified, which I have now realized is not the case. I have also realized that being certified as a medical coder means nothing because to even do any coding I would need at least two years of experience. I paid $13,000 for the program and can't find a job that I can afford to take that would enable me to live and even pay my bills. Not only that, there are almost no jobs around where I live. Every job I have gone to is about an hour away. Is this situation normal for this area of the country, or is it just me? I would appreciate any advice someone could give me.
I hear you...I'm in the same boat, although I'm due to take the CPC test in April...I too passed my classes (2yrs w/ all the standard courses) with flying colors. And yes, everyone, I get "the economy", that's why I'm in this spot. And for "positive thinking"...the economy has turned "positive thinking" into "magical thinking" since 2009 that's why your experience pre-2009 doesn't have much relevance (but appreciated though). This was made vividly clear today when I wasn't allowed to set foot on the campus of a major hospital in NYC...the security guard said if I didn't have an appt, I could submit a resume to [the corporation that controls the hospital group] was obvious he'd said this 1000 times.

And as for "getting your foot in the door"? In my case, I have 18 yrs of IT experience, so I won't be considered for any "low-level" hospital job, no matter how willing I am to do it. Yet I will persevere because I like coding very much and it suits me to a "T"... I won't say "love it" 'cause it reminds me of a Pee Wee Herman joke.."Love it? Why don't you marry it!

P.S. - Some of us [me] have run through our unemployment [93 weeks!] and are really looking at the brick wall...on a brick-to-eye level.
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certified coders w/o experience

I see this problem as an industry error. The health care industry as a whole has decided this is the practice they should be following by not hiring certified coders w/o 2 years experience. Who decided that? If this is indeed going to continue to be the practice, then the schools should adapt and be offering coursework/practicums that give you credible experience to use out in the field.... Like doctors that have to do internships in the field as a part of their school. Schools should not be taking money and graduating new coders into a field that will not accept them simply because of an industry practice. There is a total disconnect between the education process for medical coding and the health care industry for hiring. There needs to be someone acting on this problem.
Keep your head up

It is tough for all in this field right now. Even experienced certified coders are finding themselves on the unemployment lines. Or having to except really low paying positions that don't reflect our experience or education.

If inexperienced people are taking these courses and expecting to find a job right off the bat, then I'm sorry to say you are mistaken. You may have to apply for health related jobs that may not require a coding degree or certification and work your way into the field.

Try front desk clerking or billing as some possibilities. As far as the comment about "see this problem as an industry error. The health care industry as a whole has decided this is the practice they should be following by not hiring certified coders w/o 2 years experience." isn't this true in any industry? How many people are being hired right out of school for their chosen degree of profession? Not many these days.

Just keep trying, if this is really a field you want to be in. Make phone calls, send out your resume to every office/hospital you can. There are employers out there who hire less than 2 yrs experience coders, you just haven't found it yet.

I wish you good luck.
If you went to school for billing and coding. Why is no one putting down that you have practical hours of experience, plus the hours that you did in your internships? Just saying it's a way to get hours shown on your resume.
I started in medical billing in 2000 with no experience at all!! I made $7.00/hour to mail claims, statements, and learn how to do A/R. I had to work my way up. I made far more money as a bartender, but I wanted a career change. I don't understand why you are so upset that pay is commensurate with experience. I was the person that had years of experience as a biller but nothing that said I could code. I didn't start making decent wages until I had the experience and the piece of paper to go with it. Which is true of just about every industry regardless of economic hardship. The schools are out there to make money, period. It is your job to research to see if what they are selling is indeed true.
I would just have to say "amen" to almost everything here. I took the course which used Carol Buck's textbooks. I thought her's was the "gold standard" in coding. I worked very hard , learned a lot , and passed the class at the top. I then went on to pass the CPC. And here I sit. Reading this site everyday and getting angrier and more confused by the day.
Should I continue to study? Pay for CEU's , Webinar's? What is the point if the knowledge alone is not enough to get a job. I applied at one local hospital where I made it a point of going to HR so they could see me when I handed in my resume (which she was very reluctant to take.) Insisting that I apply online, which with my work history does not give the full story of my life. (My husband and I had a business of our own for a while.) She told me that all of their coders had been there for a long time and never left. I felt like saying, "well, when one of them passes on, let me know." I think that is about what it will take by which time I also will be in a nursing home...maybe my only way to get "in". LOL. I asked the question about employment many times while taking the course and was not told until the end that employment would be hard if not impossible. They wanted their money for the course. I feel used all the way around.
CPC-A and very frustrated.

I put a year and several thousand dollars into an educational program in hopes of making a career change. I was informed that medical coding and billing was the job to have for the next 25 years. I very much enjoyed the program and working in a field that required critical thinking skills. I graduated with honors.
My experience in my job search has been a real wake up call. Entry level positions seem to require three years experience in the field. If this is true, and many posts from working coders support this notion, then where did these coders get the experience? Do coders just switch jobs with one another? If an experienced coder leaves a job for another position, shouldn't that eventually leave an open position somewhere?
It seems counter-intuitive to me that a country on the verge of switching to ICD-10 and the Affordable Care Act would not be hiring and training as many coders as possible in order to prepare. Perhaps earlier posts are correct that coding positions are being sent abroad to countries already up and running with ICD-10. I really don't know. What I do know is that after months of searching and over 250 applications, I am beginning to feel that my certification may be working against me. In the eyes of the industry I am simultaneously over qualified and under experienced. I find I am looking forward to ICD-10 as a possible game changer in the job market. Aside from that, all I can do is continue to send resumes and applications into the ozone.
Is there a way to get an AAPC intern program set up in a specific area? The closest site is just too far to commute for no pay. I would be more than willing otherwise.
coding jobs that are not paying

I also went to school and spent over10,000 to do it with the loans now due. I was very lucky to get a job which only started me out at $10/hr. After10 months, I was moved up to practice manager for a .70 raise! I was a bit insulted and now my boss wants me working a whole lot more for it. I have been in the hair business for 30 years(& still am) and have made so much more money but I do love coding. I still do hair thankfully because this coding job is very demanding and difficult with the credentialing of the doc. We have taken on another doctor and the practice is growing by leaps and bounds. Not worth $10.70/hr. I feel that it's hard to get your foot in the door somewhere so I just feel the experience is huge right now. I hear that in southern NH coders are starting out at $14./hr so I feel very underpaid and the doctor agrees but the funds are not there yet. Insurance companies are very difficult to work with I am looking for a way to get to know which codes are covered by insurances and the key to getting the doctor paid for what he is doing. It's not just coding I am doing, it's running the whole office and even dealing with collections. I am thankful to have the opportunity but it's a bit wearing! I am not even certified yet, flunked the exam twice! So frustrating! Good luck to all of you. Sometimes you just have to network with people everywhere and let them know that your looking for a coding job. We are in high demand so be very demanding and pesky to let them know your are serious and need the job. Good luck! :)
I am glad I am not alone

I don't know if I should feel comforted or feel panicked after reading all these posts. I live in East Tennessee and I am in the same frustrating situation. I am working on a degree in HIT at a local community college and I also have a strong nursing background. I have also passed the AAPC exam and I have been searching for an entry-level coding position and because I have no coding experience, I have not had a single response to my resume. I have never had any trouble getting a job before. This is certainly new territory for me. I also don't have many years left to work my way up the ladder, I am 51 and went back to school so I could obtain my degree and code from home, if it takes me forever to get there, what's the point?

Brenda Smith
Waste of time and $$$

I am writing to you from Roseville, Michigan right outside of Detroit. I am so in the same place as you are!!!!!!!! I've been certified for over 2 years now and this schooling has done nothing for me except get me a receptionist job. I was dumb enough to listen to a good friend of mine and waste all this money on a billing certificate:( I am horribly disappointed. Every job out there requires 2 years experience. I have been given no chance to utilize my schooling. I should have gone for Medical Assistant because those jobs are listed on a daily basis. This is my last week with AAPC, as I'm wasting $125 a year for what??? I wish you luck in the billing/coding world, as I am not even bothering with the applications any longer. Take Care, Jan
I've been certified for well over 10 years. I started as a secretary for a small medical records auditing consulting firm and knew nothing about coding. The owner introduced me to the coding world and helped me get through school. I was eager to learn and would do any task she asked. Eventually, I changed companies, and I'm now making a 6 figure salary as a director of auditing - never imagined that would happen. I didn't want to do this for money necessarily; I truly enjoy every aspect of my job. But it was NOT easy nor did it happen overnight (meaning in the first 5-6 years). I would be doing this even if I didn't make the paycheck I bring home. If you are only in it for the money, you are likely to remain disappointed with the decision to enter into this profession.

All that said, I mean no disrespect. My advice is to find a place within the coding family and love it. The money will come. I promise.
I am always shocked to see these types of threads on the AAPC website and Facebook page. Do you all really think that this situation only happens in the coding field? Unfortunately, when you are unexperienced AT ANYTHING it is hard to get your foot in the door. When I worked as a Practice Manager, we often had to post the receptionist position due to high turnover. The resumes we received for that entry level position paying $26,000 checking in patients and scheduling appointments were astonishing. The sheer volume was difficult to weed through, and there were applicants with Masters degrees, Bachelors degrees, varied experience across many industries. The last receptionist we hired before I left that job had an associate's degree in Interior Design. Guess why she applied for the job? Because she couldn't "get her foot in the door" in the interior design industry! So she volunteers after work to get experience in her field. Someone said it already: Attitude is everything! If you don't expect to get a job, you won't. If you put out negativity, that's what you'll get back. Completing one year of schooling and passing a certification test doesn't mean you are automatically entitled to a job, you have to contiue to work for what you want... unless what you want is a handout, because that's just never gonna happen. $25/ an hour jobs don't just fall out of the sky...
Please keep in mind that AAPC is a for-profit organization and does not have the best interests of its members at heart. We are part of a capitalist society and they certainly subscribe to those principals.

After 2 years of trying to find work, I have given up on medical Coding and Billing. I have no more cash to donate to the AAPC who gladly takes my money for membership and CEUs, but offers nothing useful in return except for a forum for venting my frustration.

All of the talk about keeping hope alive and staying positive is nice, but it is not sustainable in the long term. You simply cannot wish and smile your way into a new career, even if your wishing is supplemented with hard work and continuing education. Time to take off the rose-colored glasses, Pollyanna...welcome to the real world.
Frankly my dear...

I am good and tired of being lectured to about expecting a handout and being unwilling to start anywhere to get "my foot in the door."

I am no child, and I am far from naive. I am an experienced and seasoned professional, very familiar with the ways of the work world. I NEVER EVER expected to walk out of school into a high-paying coding job, or a remote coding job, or even an entry-level coding job. I KNOW I am not ready for that, regardless of my education and my certification. I wouldn't WANT the responsibility of coding at my level of knowledge and ability, I am a complete beginner. I know and accept all that. I did from the day I BEGAN my coding classes two years ago.

Here's the problem. Those entry level jobs in the medical field are almost as hard to get as a coding job. They are completely locked out to anyone who doesn't have the precise experience they require. I cannot get hired as a medical office receptionist, file clerk, ROI clerk, billing clerk, or taker-out of trash. I have a background in restaurant work and I can't get hired to work in dining services at a nursing home or hospital. I can't get hired in the hospital gift shop. I can't get hired to answer phones or fill out insurance forms. Yes, I have applied to all these types of jobs HUNDREDS of times.

It isn't just me. My best friend has over 20 years of experience as a secretary, office manager, and executive assistant. A year ago she completed a course in medical office management and graduated with top grades. The only "medical" job she's been offered in the last two years is answering the phone two days a week at a surgery clinic (she couldn't take it because she works as a restaurant cook four days a week for a lot more money and hours than they were offering).

Another friend got her certificate in medical billing and has decided not to keep her certification because she hasn't come within spitting distance of a billing job in the past two years, either (and she actually has medical office experience).

So please. Cut it with the "get your foot in the door like I did" lectures. The world has changed. When I started in the work world I did the same thing.

I deliberately set myself up to be able to take a low-paying job. I have no student loan and paid off all my credit card and other debts before finishing school, and my overhead is low. But. Going back to school and getting my certifications in coding cost me not only money and time, but opportunity costs--I could have put my focus, energy, and money elsewhere. Heck, I could have stayed in retail or restaurant work and been a manager by now.

At what point do I cut my losses and move on? At what point do I direct my focus elsewhere that has a better chance of payoff? How long do I keep pouring money into this money pit, or do I just cut my ?

All I can say is it's getting very close to that point.
I hear your fustration

I share your fustration. I took a certificate coding class in 2010 luckily i had an awsome teacher who had cancer at the time but was awsome and new her stuff. I took the exam two weeks later and to my surprise i passed. And like you i was unable to get a job with no experience. A year later i signed up for an Asssociates degree program for Administrative Specialist with concentration in Billing and Coding. I learned a lot about computers but the billing and coding part was very poor. But i got my associates degree than did a six month internship at a pyschologis office to gain some office experience as i have been cleaning houses and offices on my own for about ten years and had no office skills. This paticular office did not do any billing in this office it was all done in Florida by the Dr.s sister but i did learn a lot of office skills. I finished that in Feb of 2014 with a profesional recomendation and i still am unable to find a job. I have applyed for almost everything in the medical field only to be told that they hired someone with more experince. I registered with a temp agency who has been unable to get me anything in the medical field. There are times i just want to give up. I do not like going to the local chapter meetings because i feel embaresed that i still have not found a job. I mean how many times can you stand up and say hi my names Jodi and i am a certified coder with no job or experience. You would think that the people that know me there would try and network with you but that does not seem to be the case. I am now going to start applying for service jobs at local hospitals just to get my feet in the door. I thought being certified would give me a leg up. But i have met a lot of people who are not certified and have been hired and working in the coding and billing departments. I think i might take some more courses not sure what else to do. I have learned a lot since 2010 and feel more confident in my skills and my abilities now if someone would just give me a chance to proof my self and see that i am a good worker. So i feel your fustration. If any one has any ideas please let me know.
Reply to cthompson1446

Replying to cthompson1446, yes I took Careerstep IP/OP Medical Billing & Coding program, finished in 9 months, graduated with honors, and took my cpc exam 2 months after that and passed first time. Now, been applying to places for 6 months and nothing yet. Have to say the careerstep program is great as it prepares you to sit for the exam immediately and also has a great practicum section doing Inpatient and Outpatient. Been applying all over for any type of medical job to get in the door, been to multiple temp agencies, still waiting,,,,,
Dude its happening to me too. I live in Los Angeles. No one will hire me or give a second look because of the inexperience. I wish you luck. Never give up though.
medical coding positions of houston

looking for medical coding jobs located in houston
Reply to Entry Level Medical Billing Jobs

Hello, I live in the northern region of New Jersey and about a month ago, I graduated a medical billing and coding school. Right before I graduated the school, I took the AAPC certified Possessional Coder exam and passed and am now looking for a job. I graduated at the top of my class with a 4.0. Now, for the past Month, I have been looking for a medical billing job around the Morris County area. I have mostly seen jobs offering $12-$13 an hour some with benefits, and some without. Before I even attended this program, I made $15 an hour working in a Gym without any college degrees. While attending this program, I was told that I could easily ask for $18 to $20 an hour as a starting salary especially because I'm certified, which I have now realized is not the case. I have also realized that being certified as a medical coder means nothing because to even do any coding I would need at least two years of experience. I paid $13,000 for the program and can't find a job that I can afford to take that would enable me to live and even pay my bills. Not only that, there are almost no jobs around where I live. Every job I have gone to is about an hour away. Is this situation normal for this area of the country, or is it just me? I would appreciate any advice someone could give me.

It is not just New Jersey. It is sad to say but My story is the same as yours Top of my class, passed CPC certification exam, and have at least a year experience in the field. I have been looking for work since I Graduated in 2013. I have been looking for 4 years now. In Maryland you need at least 2 to 3 years experience or they will not even look at your resume. The employees that trained me did not have their certification and I ended up training them, But still no one will hire me. The company I worked for closed down. I went from Medical Billing Specialist to Auditor in three months of the job. I hate to tell you this but we have been had! I am truly sorry and I wish you all the best out there. I just will not give up... Even though it looks bleak....