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Is the following a complete ERCP? If it is not, guidelines say to look at EGD 43235 but does this meet the qualifications for an EGD?
The Trade in program from Olympus. Removed 180's was introduced through the mouth, with the intention of advancing to the bile ducts. The scope was advanced to the duodenum before the procedure was aborted. The ERCP was accomplished without difficulty. The patient tolerated the procedure well.

The esophagus was successfully intubated under direct vision without detailed examination of the phyarnx, larynx, and associated structures and upper GI Tract. The upper GI tract was grossly normal. The major papilla was located entirely within a diverticulum. The major papilla was small. The ventral pancreatic duct was deeply cannulated with the autotome sphincterotome. Contract was injected. The entire opacified area was normal. A 0.035 inch x 260cm angled Hydra Jagwire was passed into the ventral pancreatic duct.

I queried the provider as it seem a bit conflicting but the response was pancreatic duct was cannulated but he aborted when he could not get in the bile duct which was his goal.

#2 This is an incomplete ERCP but would it need to be a reduced EGD since provider states "without detailed examination"?
The Trade in program from Olympus-removed 180's was introduced through the mouth, with the intention of advancing to the bile ducts. The scope was advanced to the stomach before the procedure was aborted. The ERCP was performed with difficulty due to inability to pass scope into the duodenum.

The upper GI tract was traversed under direct vision without detailed examination. Localized moderately mucose without bleeding but with distortion and edema was found on the posterior wall of the stomach. Inability to pass scope into the duodenum despite multiple attempts at multiple different positions. Suspect perpancreatic effect The endoscope was withdrawn from the patient.
for 1) per CPT book guidelines for ERCP as long as one/or more ducts is done aka visualized (pancreatic/biliary) then it is a complete ERCP.

2) would be 43235 even though he didn't reach the duo it was attempted multiple times and positions.

If scope doesn't go to duo due to deliberately not examined(judged clinically not pertinent) or because the clinical situation precludes such exam (significant gastric retention precludes safe exam of duodenum) then you would use modifier 52 or 53 per CPT book above the 43235 code.