Wiki exclusion of esophageal and gastric segments


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How would you the Exclusion of esophageal and gastric segments around markedly disrupted esophagogastric anastomosis? The previous surgery was done one month prior by a different Surgeon at another facility. Thank you for your help :)

Thoracotomy wound is reopened. Dissection was carried down and the chest was entered after the previously placed periosteal sutures were cut and removed. Upon entering the right chest a large volume of thick white pus which was foul smelling was drained. Cultures were sent. Again there was a large amount of fibrinous debris and a peel which was ultimately removed from the lung. Further inspection rebealed nearly complete disruption of the esophagogastric anastomosis. Again with the marked empyema and severe contamination and near total disruption of the anastomsis, repair was not feasible. The gastric segment was excluded using a stapler. Large staples were employed. A 2-0 Prolene suture (pursestring) was used to close off the esophageal segment. Prior to securing the pursestring suture a nasogastric tube was placed just proximal to the transected esophagus to drain the blind pouch. A second 2-0 Prolene pursestring suture was used to reinforce the initial closure of the esophagus. Several liters of warm saline was used to irrigate the right chest. Bioglue was used to close off some pleural tears which had allowed air leaks. Two chest tubes were placed for drainage. Prior to closing, sponge and needle counts were correct. In addition, there was no evidence of active hemorrhage from the surgical sites. Heavy Vicryl pericostal sutures were used to approximate the ribs and then the remainder of the would closed in layers with interrupted and running Vicryl sutures. Staples were used to close the skin.