Lisa A
I am currently trying to locate information on getting reimbursed for a facility fee for our OR. Our facility is accredited with the AAAASF (American Assosciation for Accreditation of Amubulatory Surgery Facilities).
I am wondering if there is a charge that our practice can capture when the OR is used and if so, what CPT is used? What are others experiences with billing a facility fee, can we bill Medicare and Medicaid, does the claim go on a CMS 1500 or a UB-92?
As you can see, I have a lot of questions as this is all new to me.
Any assistance that anyone can provice would be greatly apprecciated.
Thanks in advanced for your help
I am wondering if there is a charge that our practice can capture when the OR is used and if so, what CPT is used? What are others experiences with billing a facility fee, can we bill Medicare and Medicaid, does the claim go on a CMS 1500 or a UB-92?
As you can see, I have a lot of questions as this is all new to me.
Any assistance that anyone can provice would be greatly apprecciated.
Thanks in advanced for your help