Wiki Failed dislocation reduction


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Hello all, I have an interesting question that I need help with...
We had a patient present with a posterior shoulder dislocation and the ER doc attempted to reduce this x 2. Versed, etomidate, and Demerol were given for conscious sedation. X-rays were taken after each attempt and both showed the shoulder still being dislocated. After the patient was taken back to the room from the 2nd x-ray, he heard a pop. The shoulder popped back into place (verified by a 3rd x-ray).
How can I bill for these attempts? I am thinking 23650-52, but is hard for me to decide if this is really a "reduced service" since he did do the entire procedure, it just did not work at the time. Or, can I use the CPT without a modifier since it did eventually go back into place??
Thanks in advance!!
Katie, RHIT