Wiki First time coding for depo


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Hello! How do I bill for the administration of depo? CPT and ICD9?
MA gave the shot. Physician in the office at the time. The medication was picked up. We are just billing for the administration. Thanks!

Thank you for sharing the definition. I learn something new everyday. BTW, I just asked the MD, it turned out that the shot was given without the MD in the facility. He was doing surgery. So, 99211 then...

Here's the excerpt from ACOG....

"However, per CPT, it is not appropriate to report injection administration code 96372 without direct physician or other qualified health care professional supervision, unless administered in a hospital setting. In that case, report instead, code 99211 (Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of an established patient, that may not require the presence of a physician or other qualified health care professional), if applicable. "