Wiki Fracture or consult


Longview, WA
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My office manager wants me to code as fracture care, though I'm not so sure.....

The patient had a fall 3 weeks ago and has now presented to the ER/ED with elbow and pelvic pain. Doctor did H&P and the diagnosis was stable fractures of the elbow and pubic ramis. He and the pt agreed to only use a sling for the elbow. Could I really bill fracture care????
My office manager wants me to code as fracture care, though I'm not so sure.....

The patient had a fall 3 weeks ago and has now presented to the ER/ED with elbow and pelvic pain. Doctor did H&P and the diagnosis was stable fractures of the elbow and pubic ramis. He and the pt agreed to only use a sling for the elbow. Could I really bill fracture care????

Yes you can, BUT, before doing that, I would make certain that the doctor plans on following the patient for fracture care. (if not, its not really ethical but can be done since he rendered treatment).