Wiki GC and GE Modifiers


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Good afternoon,

I have a question that I am unable to find an answer to. I am always directed back to the CMS guidelines but it is not answering my question.

How many times can the modifier(s) GC or GE be used on a single encounter? If the patient is seen for a visit (99213, etc.) The physician bills the e/m and adds the corresponding modifier GC or GE to it and in addition to the e/m the resident does a procedure or multiple procedures under the direction of the attending during the same visit (20610, etc.). Would I add another GC modifier to the procedure code?
Is this what would be submitted;
99213-25, GC

Thank you for your feedback

I think that you are directed back to CMS because of the guidelines. In the guidelines there is no direction as to how many times a modifier can be used, so I would think that if you are trying to give a clear idea of what happened during the service through your coding, then by all means use it more than once. I had originally thought that GC was only to be used on an E&M service, but I found nothing about that. Hope this helps-I only use it on critical care services provided in the unit by my docs and a resident.
Thanks for the feedback Natalie! I originally thought it was only for e/m services also. But I have been told to add them to procedures as well. So, I will have to see what happens, if anything happens. :D