Wiki gestation diabetes


Lexington, KY
Best answers
Help...I'm new to OB/GYN and an apprentice coder. My "mentor" is not here at the time...if a pt is diabetic, type II, controlled, and she is pregnant, would I automatically code a "gestational diabetes" along w/her diabetic code? I know the diabetes and gestational diab guidelines, what I don't know is if she is "automatically" diagnosed as gestational diab if she is diab and pregnant. (since gestational diab is usually defined as someone who only developed diab during pregnancy).

Thank you!:)
If the patient was diabetic prior to the pregnancy, then it is not gestational diabetes, which is a condition caused by the pregnancy. For a pregnant patient with pre-existing DM, you should code 648.03 plus the appropriate DM code.

Thank you...I actually went to the guidelines and found my answer that I couldn't find before and when I came back to say "nevermind" you had already answered. Thank you for your help and sorry for the time you spent. :)