Wiki Getting experience

Jennifer G 08

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I am traveling 50 miles one way. I am working at a Billing facility for free. I am hoping after doing this for three months. I can put this on my resume and hopefully land a position. But, meanwhile my wallet is empty.

Update your resume TODAY

Update your resume TODAY to at least include the name of the company, address, phone number, your title and general job duties.

If you like, keep a separate folder where you list your job duties / experiences in more detail. This is not something you would send to a prospective employer, but is a way of keeping your own personal record of what you have done or been exposed to. When you update your resume you can summarize this.

I look at my resume every 6 months or so and update as needed. Sometimes it doesn't need anything. Sometimes the focus has shifted and I want to be sure to emphasize something slightly different. I have done this my entire career. (I graduated from college in the 1970s.)

There are lot of reasons you might need a current resume besides job hunting. You may be running for a position as an officer of your local AAPC chapter and they want a resume. You may be asked to participate on the board of your child's school, and you need a resume. You might be perfectly happy in your job, but get contacted by a head hunter with an even better offer -- you'll need an up-to-date resume.

Good luck to you!

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC