Wiki Global Package


San Bernardino, California
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I am trying to understand the global. Patient is status Post open reduction internal fixation of the left ankle she develops a superficially infected dehiscence of the incision and requires a pico negative-pressure wound VAC to be placed. Would this be considered covered under the global or would DME be billable?
as long as there is a pathology report showing the patient has an active infection the wound vac should be billable.
I am trying to understand the global. Patient is status Post open reduction internal fixation of the left ankle she develops a superficially infected dehiscence of the incision and requires a pico negative-pressure wound VAC to be placed. Would this be considered covered under the global or would DME be billable?
The global package only applies to the professional services of the physician who performed the procedure (or a covering physician of the same practice and specialty), so although the physician's service for the evaluation of the wound and the placement of the wound vac would be global in the post-operative period, I don't believe the DME for the wound vac itself would be considered part of the global package.

I disagree with the response about about a pathology report. A pathology report is not necessary for diagnosing an infection or for determining a treatment plan for a wound. Cultures maybe, but pathology, no. I've never actually heard of any payer requiring any lab services in order to cover a wound vac - wound vacs promote healing of the wound, they don't treat infections.