Wiki Growing PT practice needs billing help...

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Our Physical Therapy practice is growing in leaps & bounds. We have just hired 3 new licensed PT's.

Can we bill their services under our credentialed PT until we get them credentialed? Do we have to bill them as the rendering PTs with their NPIs or just bill with our credentialed PTs NPI until we credendtial them?

Our crendentialed PT does review their notes & his signature is on them....

Please help!

I would not bill your new PT's under the established PT. I would get the new ones credentialed with your various insurance companies asap. Some ins will backdate the certification or acceptance date of the provider contract while others will not. It can be a maddening process waiting for all the applications to go through but there will probably be some patients the providers can see in the interim. ie- cash pay, out of network, work comp, etc... Good luck.