Wiki H&Ps


Local Chapter Officer
Westminster, CA
Best answers

Hi all,

I have an anesthesiologist who wants to perform pre-operative H&Ps in a hospital clinic. He will have NO involvement in the anesthesia services and will be performing the H&P only.

Questions--can/should this be done? It is unbundling services (to an extent) so I want to be sure of coding and modifiers and that he will be reimbursed.

I'm thinking of modifier 24, CPT codes 99201-99205.

Is anyone else providing this service? Are you getting paid? Any information or sources you can provide would also be helpful.

Thanks in advance.

Please refer to CPT under Anesthesia Guidelines:

The reporting of anesthesia services is appropriate by or under the responsible supervision of a physician. These services may include but are not limited to general, regional, supplementation of local anesthesia, or other supportive services in order to afford the patient the anesthesia care deemed optimal by the anesthesiologist during any procedure. These services include the usual preoperative and postoperative visits, the anesthsia care during the procedure, the administration of fluids and/or blood and the usual monitoring services (eg, ECG, temperature, blood pressure, oximetry, capnography, and mass spectometry). unusual forms of monitoring (eg, intra-arterial, central veous,and Swan-Ganz) are not included