Wiki H1N1 and Nurse Visit

Chino Valley, AZ
Best answers
Has anyone coded the H1N1 administration(dx V04.81) and a nurse visit using V73.89 which is a special viral screening? Does anyone have an opinion about this combo?:confused:
No visit with administration

If the sole purpose of the visit is vaccine administration it is not appropriate to also code an E/M - not even a "nurse" visit.

H1N1 vaccine is no different from other injections in this regard.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC
Thank you. I didn't think so either. I work for a Internal Medicine practice and we did ton's of the shots but never charged more than the administration. This happened when I took my son in to his doctor for his and they charged it with both the initial nasal vaccine and the follow-up. I talked with our local health department and they also agree that this isn't a reasonable charge.