Wiki H1n1 coding...

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I seem to be a bit confused about the coding for the H1N1 vacc. I know that you use CPT 90470 for the admin. but I thought that the ICD9 for it was the G9141...but I NOW think I did that wrong. Is it supposed to be ICD9 "V04.81" and CPT 90470? I read that the G9141 is the CPT for medicare?? AHHH this is such a headache!!

If anybody can help that I would REALLY appreciate it :confused:
Thanks so much...that helps!! I guess the confusion was that I didn't know there were 2 diff. codes for medicare & commercial w/this.

the HINI imm code is 90663. 90470 V04.81 for commercial

G9141 and G9142 is use for Medicare V04.81

I would also check with your carriers, some carriers require you to report only the admin fee and some require you to report both admin and vaccine.