Wiki Having to print our own eobs


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A carrier has indicated that we have to print our own EOBs now.We've been receiving them via mail. I am thinking worse case scenario if I had to have an employee do this for all of my carriers it would be time consuming, not to mention costly with our printer cartridges and paper, etc... Does anyone know if it is mandatory for a carrier to tell us that we have to print our own EOBs? Thanks, April
printing eobs

I don't know about the mandatory part, but we have two insurance carriers in which we get electronic remits and eobs and I have to say I like it very much. From a business perspective, it is advantageous to receive them this way rather than through snail mail, because if a claim is denied or rejected, I have more time to be able to follow-up on it before time runs out.
Coming from a contract perspective, there isn't anything in "standard contract language" for most commercial carriers stating that they CAN'T do this, so unless you have something in your contract that states otherwise, they can make this mandatory for their particular carrier.

Wendi, CPC
Having to print EOBs

All states require carriers to issue EOBs under certain circumstances. An example of NY's requirements can be found at

Whether the carrier can get away with not sending a paper EOB form remains questionable since not all providers have a computer and not all patients have the ability to print one. I would bet that if challenged, the carrier would be required to provide paper records.

This is a good question to ask your state insurance commissioner. I'm sure we're going to see a lot more of this and I'm very interested in knowing under what circumstances carriers can get away with not sending a paper record.

Good question.