Wiki HealthCon 2017 "Solo Meet Up"

Pam Warren

True Blue
Springvale, ME
Best answers
Every year there are a number of HealthCon attendees who are joining us for the first time, or are traveling alone to conference, and find themselves not knowing anyone once they get there. It can be overwhelming, and at the very least, lonely. I thought I'd start this thread so that maybe those of you who would like to meet another attendee and maybe connect at the conference could come here to swap contact information. You can use this forum or the private message feature. Since space at the Rio conference area is not mine to designate as a meeting space, this online option would be best for 'meeting up'--but you're always free to come up with your own plans!

There are lots of opportunities for free time....before the conference begins, after each day's sessions, and at meal times. It makes me sad to think of anyone sitting alone at mealtime, or even worse...spending evenings holed up in their hotel room because they don't have anyone to accompany them to see the sights of Las Vegas. There are 2500+ of us maybe we can help get people together to enjoy their conference experience.

If you're going to be attending HealthCon as a "solo" attendee, maybe this could be a good place to meet beforehand to make plans for the conference.

If you're attending HealthCon with a group or other colleagues, consider reaching out here (or in Las Vegas) to individuals who are attending alone. I try to make it a point to sit with people I don't know during breakfast or lunch.

Let's make this year's HealthCon one in which everyone has a fabulous time! :D
That is a great idea Pam! I attended last year's conference as a solo first time attendee, and it would have been nice to meet up with others traveling alone to eat dinner with, etc. Unfortunately, I cannot make this year's conference, but I am hoping to be able to go to Orlando next year!
Healthcon 2017 Solo Meet Up

Pam, what a great idea for conference attendees, first timers or many timers. I am travelling with my sister this time, but I always ask or invite a single conference attendee to join me (or I join them) when eating lunch or dinner.
Solo traveler

Hi This is going to be my first time at Healthcon and yes I am traveling solo. I will be driving down from Salt Lake City, UT. I am very excited to be going. I would love to meet other people to do lunch, dinner, or sites with.

Louise Sessions CPC-A
Salt Lake City Chapter President
I wish I would have known about this last year. It helped that I randomly met people at Magic Kingdom that were there for AAPC, but I did not know much about the social aspect of the conference. I am attending again this year, but I think I may be bringing my wife. I am actually a little scared of Vegas since I have never been. Disney is easier since I am semi local and I have annual park passes.
Louise it is my first time, too and I am traveling solo. I would love to meet you for a meal or a site seeing trip. I have been to Vegas a couple times and love people watching.

Hi This is going to be my first time at Healthcon and yes I am traveling solo. I will be driving down from Salt Lake City, UT. I am very excited to be going. I would love to meet other people to do lunch, dinner, or sites with.

Louise Sessions CPC-A
Salt Lake City Chapter President
I have been to Vegas several times, but never on my own, if you and your wife would like a semi-experienced tour guide, I am available. :)

I wish I would have known about this last year. It helped that I randomly met people at Magic Kingdom that were there for AAPC, but I did not know much about the social aspect of the conference. I am attending again this year, but I think I may be bringing my wife. I am actually a little scared of Vegas since I have never been. Disney is easier since I am semi local and I have annual park passes.
Just a thought that I stole!

I gave an AAPC Officer Training class a few weeks ago in Lexington Kentucky and while we were there, their chapter put out a basket to collect the plastic lids off of water bottles and sodas. They recycle these and donate the money to their local schools to fund "Buddy Benches" where a kid who doesn't have anyone to play with at recess or lunch can sit to show that he wants to play and needs a buddy. I thought at the time this would be a fabulous idea for our conferences! I think I may start that here in St. Louis in Sept. for the AAPC Regional Conference. We could find a place with a bench and designate it the "Buddy Bench". I volunteer to make it for St. Louis! We'll see how it goes here and maybe we can carry it on in Vegas! How does that sound?
This a good thread. As a male coder who always goes solo to HealthCon, every year I get excited to go, and every year I never talk to anyone.

I have no real local chapter, and I have never worked with another coder and have never had a coding supervisor, so I feel lost

I like the bench idea
I'm going to check

with the conference organizers and see if they will give us a designated spot near the dining/vendor hall so it will be easy to find. I'll let you know what they say!!
Solo Attendee


My name is Erin and this will be my first time at the conference and I will be travelling from The Bahamas!

I am excited to attend the conference and meet up with everyone!

This is a great idea

This is the main reason why I didn't go to Healthcon. If they do something like this at the 2018 I will be more willing to go.