Wiki Help Coding xray views


Salmon, ID
Best answers
Does one xray view equal 1 xray plate?
If a doctor does a sunrise view of the knees together on one view and then a lateral of the right knee is that 2 views or 3 vies that I would code for?
Thanks for your help
One plate does not necessarily mean one view, as in this case. You have 2 views of the right and one view of the left. The left may have only been included as a comparison, and thus unbillable (according to most official guidance); check your order.

Another example where one plate does not equal one view is in the case of babies where they will do one "plate" that covers the chest and abdomen, usually to check an umbilical line. Per ACR, we can code both the 71010 and the 74000.

Hope that helps!