Wiki Help finding Diagnosis Code?


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CT - Findings: "There is note made of a 4.1 cm thin-walled simple appearing cyst present within the right-sided pelvis in the region of the right external iliac nodal group that appears separate from the right ovary."

My thoughts were:
A) N94.89 - Other specified conditions associated with female genital organs and menstrual cycle
- because the index shows Cyst-Pelvis-Female - N94.89
- Provider didn't like this because the DX mentions 'Female Genital Organs' and this is separate from the ovary
B) R19.07 - Generalized intra-abdominal and pelvic swelling, mass and lump

Thank you for your help!
I use N94.89 if it is noted that the cyst is in/next to the fallopian tube, fibria, etc. If the findings state as you indicate above, I would use R19.03 as it specifies the right pelvis.
If the cyst were in the ovary, there is a separate group of codes for that in the N83 series.
Hope that helps!