Wiki HELP!! I need to talk to an In-patient coder

Downey, CA
Best answers
Hi, I'd like to know what are In-patient Coder functions and who do they code for (physicians or hospital?) can you summarize your job description? I hope I could talk or chat with you today!
Inpatient coders almost always code for the facility, unless in a small rural area. They do not use CPT or HCPC II codes at all. They do use Volume 3 of the ICD-9 for procedures. Inpatient reimbursement is based on the first-listed or principle dx from the discharge dx. There is usually an admitting dx as well as a principle dx that may or may not match. They are allowed to code rule out, possible, probable, suspected as though it exists with the exception of HIV, avian flu, and H1N1. They cannot code from path or radiology reports. What eles do you need to know?
Thank you so much for the input!, I'd like to know about DRG's, is this something really hard to learn? I'd like to go for an In-patient coder position but all I know is anesthesia & pain management coding, we do assign surgical codes, ICD-9 & adt'l procedures, this is a remote coding position, do you know the type of software they use?
Every inpatient facility I contract for use either 3M or Quadramed, both are easy to use. I think DRGs is hard to learn especially if you are comming from a different environment. I was in UR when DRGs first came out in 1978 so I was there from the begioning and understand it more than most I have worked with. You need to get on the internet and do a lot of research on DRGs. But also relax as you the coder are not responsible for assigning the DRG, you assign the dx that will assign the DRG. You need to learn which dx codes work as CCs to optimize the DRG placement. While it is based on the principle dx, secondary codes can and do influence the DRG assignment. The hard part is knowing what those are and when it is appropriate to assign them.