Help me Please I need to understand something about code Z66.

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I work in a SNF. And I have become quite good at coding my ICD-10. There is one problem, my coworkers are saying I should not be putting the code for Do not resuscitate Z66. on resident's face sheets because they change. But is that not the Social workers jobs to let the coder's know if things have changed? Do we have to put the code Z66. on if there is indeed a DNR status? Someone please help, my coding instincts say yes but i am being told no by my employers. HELP. :(

If I am wrong then please by all means. I just want to understand. Thank you :)
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You seem to be having a billing or internal coding policy issue rathen than coding

Hi Steph,

Below are the ICD-10 coding guidelines to report DNR status code:
A do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order consists of a statement by a physician in the medical record informing the medical staff that cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) should not be performed, preventing the unnecessary or unwanted invasive treatment to prolong life, should cardiac arrest occur. Unsuccessful CPR attempts in combination with a patient's medical condition or other frailties may render a patient with permanent brain damage or other debilitating sequelae. For these and other reasons, a DNR order assists in ensuring that the patient experiences a natural death without aggressive resuscitative efforts. The decision to waive CPR may be made by the patient or qualifying surrogates in the event of terminal illness. DNR orders may be written for patients in the hospital, nursing home, or home for those receiving home care.

I would assign Z66 as long as the Provider supports it in his documentation.