Wiki help needed w/Podiatry


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hello all! I have just been given a new Dr to code for, and, I have never coded for his specialty. Podiatry. Any insight, suggested websites, or words of coder advice would be greatly appreciated!!!
THANKS! Shelli
the Podiatry coding campanion, code pathways books from Ingenix have helped me, they even have a Podiatry specific one, also I use &

this information has really taught me a lot about Podiatry, I also was given 6 new physician's to code for without having any Podiatry background. Good Luck!
need help w/ podiatry

Steffie is right, the Ingenix Podiatry book is a great tool. Last week I stumbloned onto a site "Podiatry Today". It is written for doctors but you get really good detail on the different surgeries they write about. Also, it is helpful to "bone up" on the anatomy of the foot. (No pun intended!) I keep diagrams stapled to the inside of my podiatry book.