Wiki Help Please with administration codes


Rome, GA
Best answers
We are having a debate in our office concerning the following:

J1100 Dexmethosone 4 mg from a 10 mg single vial start 13:23/stop 13.43
J9047 Kyrpolis 41 mg from a 60 mg single vial start 13:43/stop 14:15
J7050 Normal Saline start 13:47/stop 14:42

Some of our coders say to bill 96413 for the J9047 with 96375 for the J1100.
Some of our coders do not think that 96375 (IVP) can be billed since time is more than 15 minutes.

Thanks for any help with this debate.
Infusion reply

Based on the times you have, the appropiate codes would be 96413 and 96367 unless they documented IV-push for the Dexamethasone. If they documented IV-push it is always 96375 but if they didn't you can charge the 96367 based on time.
Thank you for your quick response. That helps a lot. Some were thinking since 96367 was an add on code, that it had to be over 31 minutes before it could be charged. When I showed them the code description only said "up to 1 hour" not "additional hour", they were in agreement. Just needed a back-up opinion.