Wiki Help - salpingo oophorectomy


True Blue
Fontana, CA
Best answers
I have two questions.

How would you code these statements on a fee ticket.

1) exploratory laparotomy with right salpingo oophorectomy

2) exploratory laparotomy left & right oophorectomy

still new to obgyn. I got cpt 59120
To code correctly, you need to know why they are doing exploration and what the findings were that led to the removal of the ovaries and tubes. 59120 is for treatment of ectopic pregnancy so unless ectopic pregnancy is the diagnosis, it is probably not the code you are looking for. Look at code 58661 - Laparoscopy, surgical; with removal of adnexal structures. Hope that helps. Good luck!
Yes, it is necessary to know the diagnosis to accurately code this scenario. However, you state that a laparotomy was done, which is an open procedure and not a scope. I believe as long as this wasn't for an ectopic, the code you need to start with is 58940 - Oophorectomy, partial or total, unilateral or bilateral.
Iagree with angela. If this is for an eptopic it and an adominal(lapartomy) approach it would be 59120 but not for an eptopic it wouldbe the 58940.

was needing some help with these procedures Diagnostic laparaoscopy, laprarotomy with right salpingo-oophorectomy.
Yes, it is necessary to know the diagnosis to accurately code this scenario. However, you state that a laparotomy was done, which is an open procedure and not a scope. I believe as long as this wasn't for an ectopic, the code you need to start with is 58940 - Oophorectomy, partial or total, unilateral or bilateral.
Dear Angela,

I am not a certified coder, so I'm reaching out. Referencing the question about Exploratory Laparotomy with Left Salpingo-oophorectomy. The reason for the Exploratory Laparotomy was due to fever of unkown origin and pelvic pain. Upon exploration, patient was found to have a pelvic mass (pelvic abscess) for which a left salpingo-oophorectomy was performed. So, wouldn't this be coded as 49000-22 (it was a mess in there) at No Charge and 58720 Salpingo-oophorectomy, complete or partial, unilateral or bilateral (separate procedure) with the charge?
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Hello. I think the correct reporting is only for the Salpingo-Oophorectomy. Laparoscopy is exploratory and therefore is not necessarily reported since it is included in the 58720.
Hello. I think the correct reporting is only for the Salpingo-Oophorectomy. Laparoscopy is exploratory and therefore is not necessarily reported since it is included in the 58720.
It would be helpful that if you have another question or answer that directly relates to an older (in this case more than 10 years old) thread, you either start a new thread and do not tack onto the older one, or you clearly copy the question and any comments you are referring to and then present your answer. This case was never originally about laparoscopic surgery and the initial thread (back in 2008) was never answered very well). A second question was tacked onto this thread in 2011, but never answered and then someone decided to answer a 2008 comment in 2013. The second comment in 2013 does not appear to be from the person who did the original post but it stating the reason for the surgery.