Help Upper Lid Wedge Tarsal Tightening


Barrackville, WV
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Any help would be appreciated;

A marking pen was used to make a modified angeled wedge incisionline in the lateral left upper lid. A forcep was used to simulate the new canthal angle to make sure the approropriate amount of lid was being excised. Once I was satisfied with this, curved hemostats were used to compress the lateral lid and angled it towards the canthus. A 2nd compression was made at the canthus, angled upward, resulting in a modified wedge. this was then cut free with Wescott scissors. The base was cauterized with the Bovie. Next, 2 interruped 4-0 Vicryl sutures were used to approxiamate the lateral part of hte tarsal plate that was exposed to torbital rim periosteum and to the inferior canthal ligament. the lateral canthal angle was then recreated witha 6-o Vicryl suter. the lateral canthal skin was closed with 6-0 gut suture.

Office coded at 67917, don't think this is right. I thought this code is for a lower lid. I am leaning more toward 67908.

The note is not very clear. I would lean more towards 67916 or 67923. More clarification is needed. There is no description of levator resection so I would not agree with 67908. Question: is this for entropion, ectropion, trichiasis, or repair of blepharoptosis.