Wiki Help with Heart Cath and PDA Closure


Parrish, FL
Best answers
I am having trouble billing 93530, 93568 and 93582 together for a right heart cath and PDA closure. Any suggestions? Thank you!
Thank you espressoguy, that is correct. However, I cannot bill the 93568 without a primary code, which is why I need the 93530. I cannot find another primary code for the right heart cath that will support the 93568. Can you shed some light on this for me, please. Thanks so much for your help and prompt response!
Code 93582 already includes the catheterization described in the 93530. Per the parenthetical notes below code 93582, you may still be able to utilize the add on code (using 93582 as your primary code) for the specific angiography - 93568 (since it differs from the aortic arch angio that is included).
That was initially how I handled it, however if you look at 93568, it must have a primary code of 93451, 93453, 93456, 93457, 93460, 93461 or 93530-93533....?