Wiki Help with magnesium infusions


Olathe, KS
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I was wondering if anyone can help me code the following scenario. I am having a hard time deciding whether or not to bill for all 4 hours that the magnesium was administered or if I should just report the hour that it ran prior to the chemo infusion. Here is how the start and stop times are documented; I am purposely leaving off the doses because I am not questioning those:

Sodium Chloride: 9:00 to 15:00
Famotidine: 10:15
Granisetron: 10:20
Benadryl: 10:22
Decadron: 10:30
Magnesium: 10:35 to 14:35
Paclitaxel: 12:00 to 13:05
Carboplatin: 13:15 to 14:15

I have the following codes:
96367 (1st hour of magnesium)
96366 X 3 (each addt'l hour of magnesium)
96375 X 4

Should I report the 3 addt'l hours of magnesium or are they incidental to the chemo infusion? Any help would be appreciated!:confused:
Concurrent Magnesium

Sodium Chloride: 9:00 to 15:00 (Assume TKO)
Famotidine: 10:15 96375
Granisetron: 10:20 96375
Benadryl: 10:22 96375
Decadron: 10:30 96375
Magnesium: 10:35 to 14:35 96367, 96366, 96368
Paclitaxel: 12:00 to 13:05 96413
Carboplatin: 13:15 to 14:15 96417

Mag ran independently from 10:30-1200, 13:05-1315, 1415-1435 Total Minutes are 115 minutes = 96367, 96.66

Mag ran concurrently with chemotherapy from 1200-1305 and again from 1315-1415 = 96368 (can only be reported once per encounter)

Also - I am assuming that your pushes have stop times on them in your MAR? If not and you are audited, you could argue that a push is a push no matter the end time but technically, we are now required to put end times on pushes.