Wiki Help with Medicare Managed Care ICT coding


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Our NP's go into the nursing homes and visit our residents. Every quarter they have
to do a required ICT meeting. We had been billing them with G9686. Our insurance carrier that we bill to SIMPRA/Allyalign said that they received permission to continue using code G9686 until 3/31/19 and the use G0175. As of right now none of those codes
work. We have asked them for proof from CMS stating to use these codes as stand alone, but our EMR/EHR will not allow the codes to go through so that our providers can
sign the documentation. We can't print the documentation until it is signed. Can some one tell me how we are supposed to handle this. We are getting a run around from SIMPRA/Allyalign for answers. What do we do?

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.