Wiki Hemodialysis


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Could someone help me understand the difference between the dialysis codes? Specifically Hemodialysis codes 90935 & 90937 and then the ESRD Service codes 90951 - 90966? I understand that the 90951-90966 represent patient age and visits per month, I just don't understand how those visits are different from the services implied in the 90935 & 90937. Thanks for any help you can be!!
According to the guidelines codes 90935 & 90937 are used for inpatient ESRD and non-ESRD procedures or for outpatient non-ESRD dialysis services.

Codes 90951-90962 are reported once per month to distinguish age-specific services related to the patient's ESRD performed in an outpatient setting.

Codes 90963-90966 are reported once per month for a full month of service to distinguish age-specific services for ESRD services for home dialysis patients.

Hope that helps!