Wiki Hemoperinoteum Laparoscopic Evacuation


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The patient presented to the ER with an etopic pregnancy. The doctor performed larparoscopic evacuation intraperiontenal hemorrhage & then proceded to remove tubal etopic pregnancy. Should you code to 568.81 ICD9 & CPT 4920 for the evacuation & 59151 for the removal of the etopic pregnancy? Thank you for your quick response.:)
you can't bill 49320 with 59151 they are inclusive. I would just bill the 59151 with dx 633.10. I think the evacuation of the hemoperitoneum is just part of the procedure.
You should not report a diagnostic laparoscopy (49320) in addition to the laparoscopic treatment of an ectopic pregnancy. See the definition for "separate procedure" in CPT. I would only code 59151/633.10.
Hello I have the same question just need an updated for 2023, patient has a rupture ectopic pregnancy CPT code 59120 but provider is asking to bill the evacuation of hemoperitoneum CPT code 49402.
Hi, the rules are the same whether lap or open. Removing fluids is a normal and necessary part of surgery and included in the global surgical package. 49402 is for removal of a foreign body, so wouldn't be the correct code. If the patient was taken back to the OR later in a separate session for removal of hemoperioneum, you could look at 49002.