Wiki Hemorrhoidopexy without staples

Springdale, AR
Best answers
When a hemorrhoidopexy is performed with staples, you use 46947. What do you use if the provider did not use staples?

1. Hemorrhoidectomy, one column.
2. Tag excision x2.
3. Left lateral sphincterotomy.
4. Hemorrhoidopexy x2.



After informed consent was obtained, the patient was brought to the
operating room, underwent general endotracheal anesthesia, placed in
a prone position, prone jackknife, prepped and draped. Lone Star
applied, Marcaine injected. Patient had a large posterior hemorrhoid with
tag and then some external tags on the right posterior and then
fissure in the posterior midline. The canal was very tight. I began
by performing a closed left lateral internal sphincterotomy with 11
blade. I then removed the posterior hemorrhoid with cautery and
LigaSure. I ligated it at its pedicle and then reapproximated the
defect with 3-0 Vicryl runner in a running locked continuous fashion
transitioning at the anal verge to continuous running. I then
buttressed the suture line in the rectum with 3-0 Vicryl pops
interrupted. I then performed a hemorrhoidopexy in the left lateral
by going 2 cm above the top of the hemorrhoid column, tying down,
then running to the dentate line and then tying back with good
repositioning of the anal canal and then over tying. I similarly
performed this in the right anterior. I then excised a right
posterior large tag which was excised with cautery. We then
reapproximated this defect in a continuous running fashion with 3-0
Vicryl runner. A bulky dressing was applied. Surgicel wick was
placed in the rectum. The patient tolerated the procedure, was taken
to recovery room in stable condition.

Thank you for any help!