Wiki Hip Joint


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Finding a problem with the orders presented versus the actual procedure for CT hip. Could I get some tips on coding the hip joint v hip extremity?
Thank you Amanda. I will have to ask my coworker what actual codes are being used for "joint". Is 77071 a very common code to use?

77071 is NOT a CT of a joint - 77071 is coded by a physician who goes into the room while a joint x-ray is being taken and stresses the joint. This physician may or may not be the radiologist. It is coded by the physician and is separate from the actual images and interpretation. It is rarely used except possibly in orthopedic practices.

CT hip can be either CT lower extremity or CT pelvis - with the lower extremity being considered the best code. However, if it is medically necessary to also image the pelvis, then code only the pelvis (See CPT Assistant March 2007).