Wiki Hip Pain


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Should I code Hip Pain under leg/limb pain or under pelvic region pain?


719.45, If you look in the index under Pain, joint, hip, the index will give you 719.45 however, when you look up 719.45 it states, pain in joint, pelvic region and thigh.

A note to remember...Sometimes you must go by what you see in the index because it will not be that clear in volumn 1.:)
you never go by the alpha index.. the guidelines tells you this you always use the tabular index for code selection, the hip is part of the pelvic region which is why the 719.45 is correct, it is the joint that connects the pelvis to the leg, to be simplistic. If the tabular index does not describe to you the diagnosis you are wanting then you do have the incorrect code.
Tabular says

Also, if you go to the Diseases of the Musculoskeletal system in the tabular section-right at the beginning it breaks down the subclassifications into the body parts for you.